Monday, 30 July 2012

We need inspiration for everything we do.
Sometimes when I look at my diary and big letters jump at me saying BLOG TIME, I’ll sit and look out the window on our beautiful view thinking what should I put in my blog? I would like my followers to learn something every time they read my blog, or at least get that ‘aha’ feeling. This week I have more of a “YEAH I know”!
We do need inspiration to keep our healthy lifestyle going but we are also responsible for our health. I think it is ridiculous when people sue McDonlads or a cigarette company for making them fat or giving them cancer, we know it’s not good for us so we have to accept the responsibility.
What are 10 things you could do today for a fitter and healthier lifestyle?
·         Go for a 30 minutes walk
·         Eat a fresh salad with your lunch
·         Get 8 hours sleep
·         Do 20 minutes of resistance training
·         Laugh and have fun
·         Do 15 minutes stretching and calm time
·         Have fish for dinner
·         Have dinner with the family or a friend
·         Learn something new

If you take a close look at this list you will realize that it is not difficult to live a healthy and happy life.
The hardest thing on the list is to make sure the list is there every day to follow, prioritize, and keep inspired by for a healthy lifestyle. 

I live fitness and I’m bombarded with new research about fitness, healthy eating, and healthy living every day, but I still need to be inspired and prioritize my healthy living. I do it because it makes me feel so good and happy!! 

Yours in Health & Fitness,

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