50 years young!
- Age is just a numer 20,30,40........
What is it that makes us old? The
longer time I spend in the health and fitness industry, the surer I’m that we
make ourselves old.
Of course we have a biological part of
it that we can’t do anything about, but unfortunately I think our thoughts do
more damage and aging to our body than actual biological aging does. If we
think “I can’t do this because I’m old” or “This is how I look because I’m old”,
of course we are going to look and act old.
My observation is that as we age two
different body types occur, soft with excess body fat, or thin with no muscle
mass. Why not have a fit and tones body and feel strong and full of life?
The key to a great body is to maintain
muscle mass. I’m not talking about a muscle mountain, just nice and firm to
stop wobbly arms and muffin tops.
After the age of 30 there is a loss of
approximately 3.5% of muscle mass per decade. Metabolism slows down and weight
increases. Metabolism is the energy expenditure (calories) it is hard work to run the
vital functions of your body (heart, lungs, nervous system etc.) when at rest.
Weight training can raise a person’s metabolic rate for as long as 24 hours
after exercising.
A weight training program can do
wonders for your body shape, health and wellbeing. Research has shown that
significant improvement can be made at any age, so it’s never too late to
start. The American College of Sports and Medicine (ACSM) states that; “weight
training is the only type of exercise that can slow down and even reverse the
decline in muscle mass, bone density and strength that was once considered
inevitable consequences of aging.”
So if we keep thinking “I’m too old to
lift weight, or there is no point in doing weight because I’m old and this is
how an old body looks”, then we will definitively look old and act old. Until
we begin to think and act like the person we aspire to be, we will never
attract the life we seek.
There are many people how are on a diet
or a training routine today that will never have a chance to lose the weight or
change their body because they’re still the same person that gained that weight
or lost control of their body to start with. Healthy and fit people don’t think
and act the way they do because they are healthy and fit. They are healthy and
fit because they think and act like a healthy and fit person.
To get what we want, we need to change
who we are. To change who we are, we simply need to change the way we think and
Are you telling yourself how good you
feel when you have a healthy light meal? Or are you focusing on how much you
miss you chips and hamburgers? Are you telling yourself how strong you feel and
how good you look when you do your weight training sessions? Or do you focus on
how impossible it is to get the flat stomach and toned arms? When you integrate
the power of your mind and thoughts into your workouts, or anything else for
that matter, what you can achieve is boundless.
So join me in the wonderful journey of
looking after the most prized possession, our body, and be proud of your body
you live in! We can always do renovations, but we need to have a picture of the
outcome and really look forward to live in that!!!!!!!

Yours in Health & Fitness,
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